Winter 2023

Section 1: 9:00am - 9:50am - TMCB 1120

Project 9: Buffer Overflow


  • Conduct simple buffer overflow attacks against a vulnerable program from the command line




I want you all to see buffer overflows in action, in a real-life application. Most kernels have protections against this type of attack, but they cant still be executed in different ways through vulnerable applications!


Submit a PDF of your report on Learning Suite. This should include a screenshot with your account showing, and 100% room completion. I know there are 10 of them and after the 3rd or 4th one it gets repetitive, but it will also speed up the further you get. When I did this lab a few years ago, I want to say the first 3 took me an hour, and the last 7 took me about 40 minutes.