Fall 2020

Section 1: TTh 4:00pm - 5:15pm - Online Only

Office Hours

I'm not on campus much - and I don't really want to meet in person this semester. I'll meet with you via zoom by appointment as needed. Please find me on our class slack channel to make an appointment, or email me. You'll also find me on Slack a lot if you just have a quick question. Try the TAs first since while I'm teaching, I'm wokring a full time job and teaching at the same time

TA Office hours and location

Find the TAs on the class slack channel.

| Time  | Monday          | Tuesday      | Wednesday |Thursday       |Friday         |
| 11:00 |                 |              |           |               |               |
| 12:00 |                 | Trevin       | Torstein  |  Trevin       |               |
| 1:00  |                 | Trevin       | Torstein  |  Trevin       | Torstein      |
| 2:00  | TA Meeting      | Bryce        | Torstein  |               | Torstein      |
| 3:00  | Trevin          | Bryce        | Bryce     |               | Torstein      |
| 4:00  | Trevin          | Class(4-5:15)| Bryce     |  Class(4-5:15)| Torstein/Bryce|
| 5:00  |                 |              | Bryce     |               | Bryce         |
| 6:00  |                 |              |           |               |               |